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UIM - Director

I am glad to invite all students, parents, professionals & people from corporate sector for the collaborative in industry based education programmes of Unnati Institute of Management for internship &Studies. I firmly believe that the knowledge of the world is only to be acquired in the world, and not in a closet. The aim of this education is to teach & train rather how to think, than what to think rather to improve student’s mind, so as to enable them to think for themselves, than to fill the memory with thoughts of other people.

The Unnati Institute of Management has been specially work in the field of Adult and continuing Education and imparting distance also is a step ahead in the same direction.

We are opening our doors for those students who want to learn while earning and be self supportive in life. The students residents in remote place, and also who cannot get opportunity to have formal education by attending regular college can upgrade qualification by joining these courses.

The Study centres will be offering their best service to you and your own efforts will not only improve your career but make your parents as well as the nation proud of you.

I welcome you in our Institute for a bright and prosperous future. I wish you success in career and wonderful experience of this educational system.

Best Wishes

Mr. Deepak Kaushik
(Unnati Institute of Management)